Saturday, May 7, 2016

A New Home

My Dearest Children,

For many years, I've hidden a secret about my past. I have done things to get where I am today. Growing up, I had an abusive father. One day, instead of going home after school, I peddled away from home. I had to do things I'm not proud of to survive, which is why I haven't said any thing about it until now. As I write this, I'm facing leaving you alone in this world without knowing more about your mother.

My first days in Meadow Glen were tough. I had to do some really disgusting things

even for me!

I knew that I would have to get food somehow. I decided my best chance would be gardening and fishing. I found an old fishing rod and was getting hungry, so I decided to go fishing.

I'd never been fishing before, but was determined to catch something! That first day, I was only able to catch a single fish; it was hardly enough for dinner.

I had to hawk some stuff I had lifted in order to have a place to sleep that first night. I didn't know any better then. Years of neglect and abuse from my father had taught me the finer points of fending for myself on the streets.

Even from the beginning, I knew I wanted more then life had so far offered me. To get this, I knew I needed an education. So I enrolled in home school online. It would allow me the ability to do what I had to to survive and still get the education I knew I needed.

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